Main topics:
The world is an adventure
Financial Guide for Expats
Succeed in Germany
The world is an adventure
Financial Guide for Expats
Succeed in Germany
History: Ukraine – World – Berlin
Focus: Intrapreneur and Women Empowerment
Dream: Learn – Disrupt – Create
Special: Cinderella Story
History: Kiev – Ireland – Berlin
Main topic: Social Media
Dream: Strengthen women-owned companies
Special: Entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe
Story: from India to Berlin
Main topic: Career Mentoring for Expats
Dream: Long term happiness in Berlin
Highlight: Openness is efficiency
Story: from Husum through detours to Berlin
Main topic: Medical
Highlight: Work-Life-Science-Balance
Story:Belarus’s social transformation
Main topic: Housing Contextualize
Dream: Free thinking and tolerant children
Highlight: Urban village
Story: From the Soviet Union to West Berlin
Main topic: Architecture
Highlight: Russian-Jewish Society in Berlin