Main topics:
Story: Podcast from entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs
Main topic: Entry into entrepreneurship
Dream: initiate positive change
Highlight: international stories from Berlin
Story: Podcast from entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs
Main topic: Entry into entrepreneurship
Dream: initiate positive change
Highlight: international stories from Berlin
Story: work-life after the pandemic
Main Topic: the future of “new work”
Dream: build a diverse work environment
Highlight: the VUCA world we live in…
Moving to another continent
Found new passion in writing
Quality life in Germany
Hashtag initiative #CareerEurope
Collaboration with Berliner Zinner
What makes Europe appealing?
Story: Indian hairdresser founds start-up
Main topic: Relocation Services
Dream: promoting human potential
Highlight: New start in Germany
Story: Montreal – Berlin – and still here
Main topic: from veterinary medicine to pet food innovation
Dream: environmentally friendly dog food
Highlight: Founding a company as a team
New Work Expertin
„Ich helfe mit, die Arbeitswelt neu zu denken“
Will freelancing be the work model of the future? We will be looking at the current situation from a European perspective and provide an outlook for the coming years.
Story: From the Soviet Union to East Berlin
Main topic: Mobility
Dream: Surfer
Highlight: Climate activism