
Career Europe is a membership community designed to support and guide internationals looking to advance their career in Europe.

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Anu Kamlakar

Programme Lead

In my tenure as an immigration consultant for years now, I have seen a huge number of inquiries on international jobs, especially for Europe. In addition, many people within my network approached me on understanding how to enter the German market, either by starting their business or opening another branch of their existing business in Germany; which in itself is an intriguing topic. With the initiative #CareerEurope, I want to open the gate for many job seekers across the globe who are aspiring to apply for jobs in Germany or other European Nations.

Berliner Zinner featuring Mehlhose supports people reaching their goal by giving them guidance on entrepreneurial activities such as opening a successful business in Germany. I would say, it constitutes a wonderful platform for this initiative that enables the experts to showcase their experiences and supports the applicants to make informed decisions.

Intro Kristina & Anu

Hashtag initiative #CareerEurope
Collaboration with Berliner Zinner
What makes Europe appealing?