Henri Meijer #DiscoverBlindSpots

Henri Meijer #DiscoverBlindSpots

Henri spoke to us about:

  • How he started his first business at the age of 15 and what a felled tree and a guitar have to do with it
  • His experiences and strengths as a business coach: uncovering the blind spots
  • What he lets himself be guided by professionally: a mixture of intuition, attention, and reality checks
  • What inspires him about Berlin and why the city always brings a smile to his face
  • Why radical honesty and transparency are important to him professionally and otherwise
  • His varied life, the secret of his self-confidence and his further plans besides his work as a coach
  • His positive mindset and how he maintains it even in difficult times
  • Why art and music have a great significance in his life and why he does not meditate