Véronique Glorieux #ChampionOfSustainability

Véronique Glorieux #ChampionOfSustainability

Véronique talks to us about:

  • Founding a company as a never-ending roller-coaster ride
  • Her way from the veterinary medicine to being a co-founder of a successful start-up
  • Her dream to make a better world with dog food and why insects are the food of the future
  • How she wants to bring her innovation product to the global market and what her drive is: environmental awareness and her idealism
  • How this had an impact on her life in Berlin, both professionally and privately, and what made her see herself as an entrepreneur
  • How the language barrier helps her stay open-minded and approach people in an empathetical way
  • The secret of her success: to share dreams and ideals, believe in success and not being afraid to ask for help
  • The answer to the universal question: How does the producer know that his pet food is delicious?